A Vampire’s Tale – Chapter I: Meeting Evil
Now, if you are wondering, how come we can’t just cross the forest? Well, let me tell you…
It tells the story of a 1,500-year-old vampire queen named Lady V, living in the dark forest of Beesd in The Netherlands. Seeking for innocent souls for quenching her blood thirst and enlarging her vampire clan.
She goes into into the smell of blood and you never knows when she will find you. She will never let off her prey. The cold-blooded creature that is emotionless and lacks the feeling of compassion. She attracts everyone on her pace and takes life away with the blood.
She is not only in our nightmares, she hides in the dark corners of the dark forest, in the silence of nights and gaze at you waiting for the right moment to attack.
Fotografie: RiSK Photography
MUA: YP Visagie